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November 30, 2023
US, Britain, other countries ink agreement to make AI 'secure by design'
The United States, Britain and more than a dozen other countries on Sunday unveiled what a senior U.S. official described as the first detailed international agreement on how to keep artificial intelligence safe from rogue actors, pushing for companies to create AI systems that are "secure by design." In a 20-page document unveiled Sunday, the 18 countries agreed that companies designing and using AI need to develop and deploy it in a way that keeps customers and the wider public safe from misuse.
November 30, 2023
US, Britain, other countries ink agreement to make AI 'secure by design'
November 30, 2023
US, Britain, other countries ink agreement to make AI 'secure by design'
The United States, Britain and more than a dozen other countries on Sunday unveiled what a senior U.S. official described as the first detailed international agreement on how to keep artificial intelligence safe from rogue actors, pushing for companies to create AI systems that are "secure by design." In a 20-page document unveiled Sunday, the 18 countries agreed that companies designing and using AI need to develop and deploy it in a way that keeps customers and the wider public safe from misuse.
November 29, 2023
Då kan vi inte lagra i molnet längre
Vi ”lagrar i molnet”, konstaterar vi. Men där byggs en enorm flaskhals upp. Nu varnar forskarna för en situation som bara är några år bort. Forskaren Ramin Firouzi vid Stockholms universitet har ägnat de senaste åren åt att studera alternativ till att lagra data i molnet. Alternativet benämns som ”edge computing” och bygger på att hantering av data sker närmare användaren, på lokala enheter och servrar. Problemet är om inte akut, så näst intill. Om bara några få år kommer flera miljarder prylar att vara uppkopplade och då räcker dagens molnlösningar inte till, konstaterar Firouzi i sin avhandling.
November 29, 2023
Då kan vi inte lagra i molnet längre
November 29, 2023
Då kan vi inte lagra i molnet längre
Vi ”lagrar i molnet”, konstaterar vi. Men där byggs en enorm flaskhals upp. Nu varnar forskarna för en situation som bara är några år bort. Forskaren Ramin Firouzi vid Stockholms universitet har ägnat de senaste åren åt att studera alternativ till att lagra data i molnet. Alternativet benämns som ”edge computing” och bygger på att hantering av data sker närmare användaren, på lokala enheter och servrar. Problemet är om inte akut, så näst intill. Om bara några få år kommer flera miljarder prylar att vara uppkopplade och då räcker dagens molnlösningar inte till, konstaterar Firouzi i sin avhandling.
November 27, 2023
China begins building underwater data center with performance equal to 6 million PCs
China started to assemble what seems to be the world’s first commercial underwater data center off the coast of Sanya, a coastal city south of Hainan Island. According to CCTV, each data storage unit can process more than four million high-definition images in 30 seconds. The estimated performance claimed to be comparable to approximately 60,000 regular computers operating in unison and aims to save 122 million KWh of electricity and nearly ten soccer fields of land.
November 27, 2023
China begins building underwater data center with performance equal to 6 million PCs
November 27, 2023
China begins building underwater data center with performance equal to 6 million PCs
China started to assemble what seems to be the world’s first commercial underwater data center off the coast of Sanya, a coastal city south of Hainan Island. According to CCTV, each data storage unit can process more than four million high-definition images in 30 seconds. The estimated performance claimed to be comparable to approximately 60,000 regular computers operating in unison and aims to save 122 million KWh of electricity and nearly ten soccer fields of land.
November 27, 2023
Västra Götalandsregionen bygger eget 5G-nät
Västra Götalandsregionen (VGR) är tidigt ute som offentlig aktör att bygga ett eget 5G-nät. Syftet är i första hand att få till en smart, snabb och smidig kommunikation inom regionens vård- och omsorgsinrättningar, men programansvarig Tony Hertz är övertygad om att positiva effekter finns att vänta för regionens alla övriga förvaltningar och bolag.
November 27, 2023
Västra Götalandsregionen bygger eget 5G-nät
November 27, 2023
Västra Götalandsregionen bygger eget 5G-nät
Västra Götalandsregionen (VGR) är tidigt ute som offentlig aktör att bygga ett eget 5G-nät. Syftet är i första hand att få till en smart, snabb och smidig kommunikation inom regionens vård- och omsorgsinrättningar, men programansvarig Tony Hertz är övertygad om att positiva effekter finns att vänta för regionens alla övriga förvaltningar och bolag.
November 27, 2023
European mobile data traffic to triple by 2028 -GSMA
European mobile data traffic will triple by 2028 driven by the adoption of 5G and migration into 4G, which continue to put pressure on network investments, telecom industry group GSMA said on Thursday. The GSMA, which brings together more than 1,000 mobile phone operators and businesses, said 5G subscribers were interested in adding high-bandwidth services and content to their mobile contracts, as demand for high-quality gaming, extended reality, and video content grows.
November 27, 2023
European mobile data traffic to triple by 2028 -GSMA
November 27, 2023
European mobile data traffic to triple by 2028 -GSMA
European mobile data traffic will triple by 2028 driven by the adoption of 5G and migration into 4G, which continue to put pressure on network investments, telecom industry group GSMA said on Thursday. The GSMA, which brings together more than 1,000 mobile phone operators and businesses, said 5G subscribers were interested in adding high-bandwidth services and content to their mobile contracts, as demand for high-quality gaming, extended reality, and video content grows.
November 21, 2023
Microsoft ramps up plans to make its data centers less thirsty
Microsoft has ramped up its commitments to conserve water and energy in its data centers, laying out new cooling tech and strategies that could push notoriously thirsty and energy hungry servers past their current limits. The company’s latest environmental pledge comes as it plans to dramatically expand the number of data centers it operates around the world, a move that could put more stress on drought-stricken communities unless the company finds ways to use less water. Microsoft plans to slash the amount of water its data centers use by 95 percent by 2024, with the goal of “eventually” eliminating water use. That builds on a commitment it made last year to become “water positive” by the end of the decade, meaning it would replenish more water than it uses for its operations. In 2020, Microsoft also committed to becoming carbon negative by the same deadline, meaning it plans to draw down and store more planet-heating CO2 than it releases.
November 21, 2023
Microsoft ramps up plans to make its data centers less thirsty
November 21, 2023
Microsoft ramps up plans to make its data centers less thirsty
Microsoft has ramped up its commitments to conserve water and energy in its data centers, laying out new cooling tech and strategies that could push notoriously thirsty and energy hungry servers past their current limits. The company’s latest environmental pledge comes as it plans to dramatically expand the number of data centers it operates around the world, a move that could put more stress on drought-stricken communities unless the company finds ways to use less water. Microsoft plans to slash the amount of water its data centers use by 95 percent by 2024, with the goal of “eventually” eliminating water use. That builds on a commitment it made last year to become “water positive” by the end of the decade, meaning it would replenish more water than it uses for its operations. In 2020, Microsoft also committed to becoming carbon negative by the same deadline, meaning it plans to draw down and store more planet-heating CO2 than it releases.